LHAPDF 6.5.4 loading /usr/share/LHAPDF/MMHT2014nnlo68cl/MMHT2014nnlo68cl_0000.dat MMHT2014nnlo68cl PDF set, member #0, version 3; LHAPDF ID = 25300 Thanks for using LHAPDF 6.5.4. Please make sure to cite the paper: Eur.Phys.J. C75 (2015) 3, 132 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7420) Streamlined initialization completed! PDF assigned to hoppet table! Evaluating PDFs at Q = 100.000 GeV x u-ubar d-dbar 2(ubr+dbr) c+cbar gluon 1.0E-05 6.1283E-03 2.2016E-03 2.7812E+01 1.2470E+01 1.7962E+02 1.0E-04 2.3254E-02 9.5427E-03 1.3933E+01 5.8472E+00 7.9269E+01 1.0E-03 8.0815E-02 4.1235E-02 6.1043E+00 2.3266E+00 2.9204E+01 1.0E-02 2.4244E-01 1.4382E-01 2.1969E+00 7.0574E-01 8.0283E+00 1.0E-01 5.0434E-01 2.4050E-01 4.2944E-01 6.9906E-02 8.8060E-01 3.0E-01 3.2979E-01 1.2863E-01 3.5858E-02 6.5159E-03 9.6097E-02 5.0E-01 1.0280E-01 2.5485E-02 2.1110E-03 1.0169E-03 1.4415E-02 7.0E-01 1.3072E-02 2.8813E-03 1.0843E-04 1.2006E-04 1.6222E-03 9.0E-01 1.3076E-04 1.6861E-04 -1.8394E-06 2.4996E-06 3.0312E-05 # PDF member 0 # ../hoppet-code/lumis -auto-hoppet-evln -rts1 13000.000 -rts2 14000.000 -lumi1 140.000 -lumi2 3000.000 -pdf MMHT2014nnlo68cl -signal gg -background gg -outdir caches/xADVANCED08e343e847c14bbdcd403b4ed50d2882 [newm] # rts1 = 13000., rts2 = 14000., extra_lumi = 21.429 [newm] # pdfname = MMHT2014nnlo68cl, ipdfmem = 0, Hessian uncertainties [newm] # PDF x range = 1.000E-06 - 1.00000, Q range = 1.00000 - 31622.80000 [newm] # uses hoppet evolution from 10 GeV = F [newm] # Original mass [GeV], new masses for: new mass for constant S^2/B with S=gg, B=gg [newm] 100. 239. [newm] 125. 291. [newm] 150. 341. [newm] 200. 439. [newm] 300. 627. [newm] 500. 978. [newm] 700. 1307. [newm] 1000. 1775. [newm] 1250. 2145. [newm] 1500. 2501. [newm] 2000. 3180. [newm] 2500. 3823. [newm] 3000. 4437. [newm] 4000. 5598. [newm] 5000. 6691. [newm] 6000. 7732. [newm] 7000. 8731. [newm] Time @ PDF set initialised: 0.012448 ----------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to HOPPET v. 1.3.0-devel Higher Order Perturbative Parton Evolution Toolkit Written (2001-2024) by Frederic Dreyer, Alexander Karlberg, Paolo Nason, Juan Rojo, Gavin P. Salam and Giulia Zanderighi It is made available under the GNU public license, with the additional request that if you use it or any derivative of it in scientific work then you should cite: G.P. Salam & J. Rojo, CPC 180(2009)120 (arXiv:0804.3755). and A. Karlberg, P. Nason, G.P. Salam, G. Zanderighi & F. Dreyer (arXiv:2406.XXXXX). You are also encouraged to cite the original references, for LO, NLO and NNLO splitting functions, the QCD 1, 2, 3, and 4 loop beta functions and the PDF and coupling mass threshold matching functions. Additionally the DIS coefficient functions should be cited when used. ----------------------------------------------------------- Time @ hoppet started: 0.032618 Time @ Starting to fill table 0: 0.032667 Time @ Table 0 filled: 0.049591 Time @ Lumis calculated: 0.065139